Saturday, March 17, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

The New GRYMOIRE's are at the printer.. and thats where the work is just STARTING

Over 32 hours of graphic design work over the course of 3 days.. and the Grymoire's are finally at the printer..  That's where the work just BEGINS!! These props are going to be ART!! BEautiful, wonderful amazing incredible ART!!

Can't tell you much about the storyline.. but WOW... Walt and I have really out done ourselves.. there's an adult bloody version.. and a kids version with green goo...  I hope I sell a thousand of them.. but I can't imagine making a thousand of them!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

NEW MIsMADE Monsters!!

After nearly 6 months of being unavailable, i have a limited number of Mis-Made Monsters!!!

These are super limited.. and each one is hand made.. hand painted... and beacause of this.. no two are exactly alike.  Some of them are more different than others, the monster's jacket may be a different color, the castle may be a bit different, the stand may be different.  The workings however.. are all the same.. and there are small improvements over the first run.  The Magnet in the castle can't come loose anymore, as it's embedded deep into the plastic now.

The monster is lighter in weight, but is JUST as strong...